Web-App Redesign
Project Duration: 2 months
Role: As a Product Designer I was reposnbile for : User research & flow, wireframing, ui elements (including design system), prototyping.
Location: United States

What I have made better?

Enhance User Engagement: Create an onboarding experience that captures user interest immediately.
Convey Freshness and Quality: Use real videos and high-quality images to emphasize the freshness of products.
Simplify Onboarding: Make the onboarding process intuitive and quick to reduce drop-off rates.
Premium Feel: Establish a premium brand perception through visual design and user experience.


Bland Onboarding Experience: The existing onboarding process was text-heavy and failed to convey the quality and freshness of FreshDirect’s products.
High Drop-off Rates: Users often dropped off before completing the onboarding process, indicating a lack of engagement.
Brand Perception: The app did not sufficiently reflect FreshDirect’s premium brand image.
User Education: Users were not fully aware of the app’s features and benefits, leading to underutilization.

Design Process

Research and Analysis:Conducted user research to understand pain points and preferences.Analyzed competitor apps to identify best practices and areas for improvement.
Ideation and Prototyping:Created wireframes and prototypes to visualize the new onboarding flow.Collaborated with the marketing team to source high-quality videos and images.
User Testing:Conducted A/B testing with different onboarding versions to gather user feedback.Iterated on the design based on user feedback and testing results.
Implementation:Worked closely with developers and marketing team to ensure the design was implemented correctly.Monitored the onboarding process post-launch to identify any issues and areas for further improvement.


Increased User Engagement:Engagement rates during onboarding increased by 35%.More users completed the onboarding process, leading to higher app retention.
Enhanced Brand Perception:Users reported a more premium feel to the app, aligning with FreshDirect’s brand image.Positive feedback on the visual appeal and quality of the onboarding experience.
Improved User Understanding:Users had a better understanding of the app’s features and benefits, leading to higher feature adoption rates.Reduction in customer support queries related to app navigation and usage.