The main objective of the Routiner App is help people to achievetheir goals by helping them to work on their self-imporevement.Routiner would like to answer the question, ‘’ why don’t people achive their goals?’’ After researching, I come up with series of soolutions and applied them in the App.Routiner help you to divide your tasks and challanges into daily,weekly and monthly and monitoring your status by showing your score statistics. You can also make challanges with your friends and you can discover new habits or challanges and get motivatedin discover part of the App.
Forgetten goals
Habit development is a long and boring process
Not enough selft-motivation
Can’t decide how to set goals and make habits right.
Daily reminders and ability to choose exact time for reminder
Make habit devolopment process easy to use and interesting
Create additional motivation for user
Create discover part to let user find their favorite channales and inspration challanges o do with theirs friends
The targer audience can be all age, gender, nationality who is willing to work on their self-improvement by setting goals.
I did competitive analysis by doing benchmark on competitor Apps then I interviewed 4 potential userst to get an undestranding of pain points, behavior and motivation in setting goals.After collection insights I made a user journey map.
Users want to update their goal process daily, weekly or monthly and need more clear, minimalistic user journey to not feel lazy to do it.
Lack of motivation and inspritation to make a goal
Forgetting important things and not completed tasks
Divide tasks into steps as to do, in progress and done
Discover part of the app can give motivation and goal ideas
Task part and home page part of the app will show tasks dividing into 3 steps by: to do, in progress and done and sub divide into 3 steps by: daily, weekly and monthly. User will answer question by yes or no to update their goal suitiation.
If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!